WeatherBuild®Decision Support Solutions for the Construction Industry and Built Environment®, is proud to be named as an Advocate of Construction Safety Week 2019. This year, Construction Safety Week is May 6th to May 10th, 2019, with the theme of “Safe by Choice.” Advocates of Construction Safety Week are organizations, associations and businesses, such as WeatherBuild, who serve the construction industry and who support Safety Week by helping to spread the message of safety.

WeatherBuild® offers a suite of decision support solutions that empower contractors, owners and operators to improve situational awareness and make better-informed decisions about weather events and safety risks. Enhance safety with WeatherBuild®Ensure the health, safety and environment (HSE) of your project, and safeguard your crews, materials, equipment and resources.

About Construction Safety Week 2019

Safety Week 2019 | We Are Stronger & Safer Together

Every day, we walk onto construction sites across the U.S. and Canada with one goal in mind – get the job done safely. We take great pride in the role we play shaping the communities in which we live, work and play. But even more than that, we feel an unwavering responsibility to one another and our families and friends at home. It’s what drives us in every decision we make and why we never back down from doing what’s right, and doing what’s safe.

We are taking safety in our own hands.

We know that it’s the little things, done well, every day and on every job, that make the difference. Weaving safety through everything we do unites us across the industry behind a common imperative. So, join us – celebrate safety where you work with an event, continue the conversation on social media and get Safety Week gear to demonstrate your continued commitment to safety.

That’s why more than 70 national and global construction firms comprising The Construction Industry Safety (CISI) group and the Incident and Injury Free CEO (IIF) Forum have joined forces with a single aim: to inspire everyone in the industry to be leaders in safety.

Being safe every day on every job site crosses competitive boundaries. That’s why we have banded together to create and celebrate Safety Week, running this year from Monday, May 6th to Friday, May 10th.


We will strengthen our industry’s safety culture and performance by sharing best practices, tools and resources. We are focused on the impact our safe choices have on our team members, their families, and the communities in which we live and work. We are united in our commitment to continuously improve our safety culture and send each employee home safe every day.

Together, we are building a stronger, safer industry.


The Construction Industry Safety Initiative (CISI) includes twelve major contractors who come together every other year for a two-day meeting to discuss only one thing – SAFETY. CISI holds a Safety Summit that includes over 30 major contractors in the United States. The goal of CISI is to influence not only those within their group, but others to work safely and elevate safety awareness to a new level in the United States.

IIF™ Executive Forum

Standing in mutual commitment toward the elimination of worker injury, the Incident & Injury-Free (IIF™) Executive Forum is comprised of CEO’s from leading U.S. engineering and construction firms. Since 2009, the IIF™ Executive Forum has met bi-annually with the objective to both sustain and recreate their present IIF™ journeys while at the same time creating the possibility of an industry-wide safety transformation.


About WeatherBuild®

Headquartered in Cambridge, MA, WeatherBuild® offers a suite of decision support solutions that empower contractors, owners and operators to improve situational awareness and make better-informed decisions about weather events, schedule impacts, safety risks and probable outcomes.

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