In the Liebherr Training Documents, Influence of wind on crane operation, Liebherr highlights the omnipresent risks of human error, or operator’s mistakes in contrast with machine failures, in crane operations across the construction industry and built environment. The dangers posed by wind and wind gust events on crane operations cannot be underestimated!
Further, Liebherr cautions that it is the responsibility of the crane operator to ensure that the crane “…is not exposed to any wind that could exceed the limits set by the crane manufacturer.” The crane operator must take preventive safety measures to ensure that the crane will never destabilize due to wind and wind gust events at varying heights above ground level.
If the crane could be exposed to any wind that could exceed the limits, then the crane operator must implement the preventive safety measures, and make the decision to stop work. Accordingly, it is critical that the contractor and crane operator get look-ahead reports to improve situational awareness and make better informed decisions about wind events.
Liebherr also warns of the dangers localized squalls, in conjunction with high intensity rain and wind events, to crane operations and life safety. The National Weather Service (NWS) describes squalls as strong winds, characterized by a sudden onset in which the wind speed increases at least 16 knots (18 mph) and is sustained at 22 knots (25mph) or more for at least one minute.
More in the next blog post about weather, wind and crane operations…
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