Posts Tagged: “builder”

60% of cost overruns due to time delay, achieving productivities, and weather

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WeatherBuild Releases Data Dictionary for Metalwork

January 22, 2018 CAMBRIDGE, MA — WeatherBuild®, Decision Support Solutions for the Construction Industry and Built Environment®, is proud to release a data dictionary of standard schedule activities and work results for metals and metalwork, as a part of the...

Avoidable Mistakes in Assessing Construction Weather Risk

“The only certainty is that nothing is certain.” — Pliny the Elder, Roman scholar, 23-79 CE In the “The Flaw of Averages: Why We Understand Risk in The Face of Uncertainty,” author Sam L. Savage examines many of the “…common avoidable mistakes in assessing risk...

Flaw of Averages: Weather Risk Management in Construction

30-year historical averages for weather planning are not just usually wrong, but consistently wrong. In the “The Flaw of Averages: Why We Understand Risk in The Face of Uncertainty,” author Sam L. Savage shows how “…when we use single numbers to estimate uncertain...

WeatherBuild Featured in Most Popular BuiltWorlds 2017

January 15, 2018 Top 45 companies and technologies paving our future in IoT and the connected jobsite CAMBRIDGE, MA — WeatherBuild®, Decision Support Solutions for the Construction Industry and Built Environment™, is proud to be featured in the most popular...

Join the leading contractors, owners and operators that leverage the WeatherBuild Solutions™ to increase productivity, enhance safety, and manage risk of weather events and schedule impacts.
