Posts Tagged: “construction companies”

WeatherBuild Releases Automated Integration with Procore Daily Logs

Weather risk analytics, predictive event-impact scenarios, and prescriptive resource recommendations FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 28, 2020 CAMBRIDGE, MA — WeatherBuild®, Decision Support Solutions for the Construction Industry and Built Environment®, is proud to...

20,000 workplace injuries due to falls from ice, sleet, and snow — 28% resulted in more than a month away from work

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WeatherBuild Updates Rainfall Readouts in Weather Station Reports

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 21, 2020 CAMBRIDGE, MA — WeatherBuild®, Decision Support Solutions for the Construction Industry and Built Environment®, is proud to announce a series of enhancements to its weather station reports, including rainfall readouts of last...

WeatherBuild Joins DigiPLACE Framework for Digital Construction Platforms

Reference architecture framework for digital construction platforms WeatherBuild®, Decision Support Solutions for the Construction Industry and Built Environment®, is proud to join DigiPLACE, a framework driving the development of future digital platforms that support...

Join the leading contractors, owners and operators that leverage the WeatherBuild Solutions™ to increase productivity, enhance safety, and manage risk of weather events and schedule impacts.
