January 29, 2018 CAMBRIDGE, MA — As a friendly notice to its valued contractor, owner and operator customers and strategic partners, WeatherBuild®, Decision Support Solutions for the Construction Industry and Built Environment®, is updating the terms and conditions of...
Posts Tagged: “weather station”
Read more60% of cost overruns due to time delay, achieving productivities, and weather
WeatherBuild Releases Data Dictionary for Metalwork
January 22, 2018 CAMBRIDGE, MA — WeatherBuild®, Decision Support Solutions for the Construction Industry and Built Environment®, is proud to release a data dictionary of standard schedule activities and work results for metals and metalwork, as a part of the...
Avoidable Mistakes in Assessing Construction Weather Risk
“The only certainty is that nothing is certain.” — Pliny the Elder, Roman scholar, 23-79 CE In the “The Flaw of Averages: Why We Understand Risk in The Face of Uncertainty,” author Sam L. Savage examines many of the “…common avoidable mistakes in assessing risk...
Flaw of Averages: Weather Risk Management in Construction
30-year historical averages for weather planning are not just usually wrong, but consistently wrong. In the “The Flaw of Averages: Why We Understand Risk in The Face of Uncertainty,” author Sam L. Savage shows how “…when we use single numbers to estimate uncertain...