Posts Tagged: “construction management”

WeatherBuild Enhances Data Dictionary of Standard Construction Activities

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 14, 2019 CAMBRIDGE, MA — WeatherBuild®, Decision Support Solutions for the Construction Industry and Built Environment®, is proud to announce a series of enhancements to its data dictionary of standard construction activities, equipment...

IRMI Construction Risk Names Weather as Top Cause for Schedule Delays

Weather is the leading cause for schedule delays in construction projects! The Business Insurance article entitled “Contractors face tough time covering construction delays,” authored by Gavin Souter, highlights how “…delays in construction projects can cause huge...

WeatherBuild Features Netatmo Smart Weather Station Integration

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 7, 2019 WeatherBuild’s IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) approach to integrating with weather data loggers CAMBRIDGE, MA — WeatherBuild®, Decision Support Solutions for the Construction Industry and Built Environment®, is proud to...

Weather Recovery Days and Roof Inspections After Storms

This article was first published by XSPlatforms, and is republished here with permission of the authors. © 2018 XSPlatforms. A thorough roof inspection after a storm is important because a roof may not be as safe as before. Strong winds, excessive amounts of rain and...

Join the leading contractors, owners and operators that leverage the WeatherBuild Solutions™ to increase productivity, enhance safety, and manage risk of weather events and schedule impacts.
