Posts Tagged: “general contractor”

National Hurricane Preparedness Week for the Construction Industry

Resilience in the face of increasing vulnerability to weather events and safety risks WeatherBuild®, Decision Support Solutions for the Construction Industry and Built Environment®, is proud to be a Weather-Ready Nation (WRN, Ambassador™, “…an...

WeatherBuild Releases Detailed Lightning Strike Reports

May 7, 2018 CAMBRIDGE, MA — WeatherBuild®, Decision Support Solutions for the Construction Industry and Built Environment®, is proud to announce the release of detailed lightning strike reports for site inspection, risk management, claims management, and warranty...

National Safety Stand-Down Week: Construction Weather Safety

Leading cause of death — fatalities caused by falls from elevation in construction! May 7th through May 11th, 2018 is National Safety Stand-Down Week, to help prevent safety incidents such as falls in construction. Sponsored by the Occupational Safety and Health...

WeatherBuild Releases Mobile v1.3 with Lightning Alerts

April 30, 2018 Real-time, hyper-local lightning strike detection alerts for each of your projects CAMBRIDGE, MA — WeatherBuild®, Decision Support Solutions for the Construction Industry and Built Environment®, is proud to announce the release of WeatherBuild Mobile...

Protecting Contractors from Lightning Strikes on Transportation Sites

Near-term, practical solutions to problems faced by transportation operators and contractors such as lightning strikes The Transportation Research Board (TRB) of the National Academies publishes “Protecting Airport Personnel from Lightning Strikes” as a part of the...

Join the leading contractors, owners and operators that leverage the WeatherBuild Solutions™ to increase productivity, enhance safety, and manage risk of weather events and schedule impacts.
